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Building Resilience Through Advanced Services

Basic service offerings are typical in manufacturing today, but “servitization” describes a different kind of service innovation and a business model transformation. Specifically, it is the innovation in organizational capabilities and processes to enhance value through a shift from selling products to selling product-service systems that deliver desirable outcomes. Advanced services build business resilience in three ways:

  1. Customer intimacy 
  2. Co-creation of new sources of value
  3. Remote monitoring of products in service

The Manufacturers Alliance and Advanced Services Group of Aston University group collaborated on survey research to highlight industrial manufacturers’ current state and readiness to build business resilience through advanced services. Read the report to consider how advanced services may fit within your product and service offerings. Learn how advanced services can add value, where to start on the advanced services journey, and how to apply a roadmap for transformation.


Neil Tumber

Senior Industrial Fellow, Advanced Services Group Aston University

Dr Ahmad Beltagui

Lecturer, Operations & Information Management, Advanced Services Group Aston University