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Corporate Controller Council

Join corporate controllers and financial executives from mid- to large Cap global manufacturing companies to share best practices, benchmark, and network with peers.

“As a member of the Corporate Controller Council I find the meetings invaluable. They are a unique forum to interact with my manufacturing peers and provide insight regarding relevant issues that impact my day-to-day activities. It is always time well spent.”

— Richard Tarapchak , EVP, Finance and Corporate Controller, Verano
Council membership

Council Membership

The Corporate Controller Council addresses the most pressing issues for financial executives. Some recent examples:

• AI Finance Tools
• Digital Upskilling & Building Savvy Talent
• ESG Disclosures
• Economic Updates for Financial Preparedness
• Robotics Process Automation (RPA)

Interested in how we can help your career? Apply today, and our membership team will be in touch directly.


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Council Chair

Richard Tarapchak, Verano Holdings Corporation

Richard Tarapchak, Chair

Executive Vice President, Corporate Controller, Verano Holdings Corporation

Council Vice Chair

Christopher Gramm, AdvanSix

Christopher Gramm, Vice Chair

Vice President & Corporate Controller, AdvanSix